Goalkeeper Conditioning Program by @5inky

Goalkeeper Conditioning Program

This specialized goalkeeper program consists of exercises that cover the main techniques and skills of goalkeeping.

* Warm Ups
* Footwork
* Handling and Catching the Ball
* Diving
* Shot Stopping
* One v One situations
* Goalkeeping Strength

* Goalkeeping Specific Fitness

These drills can be done in a one-on-one environment, a small group environment or in the complete team environment. The program load can be adjusted to meet the needs of each individual goalkeeper or group of goalkeepers based on their skill levels.

Goalkeepers should have a different fitness program than field players, but not too different, as the keeper still needs to do repetitive explosive sprints, jumps and lateral movement. This strength and conditioning program is goalkeeping specific as well as age appropriate.

The Goalkeeper aerobic fitness can be done twice per week, GK aerobic 1 one day and then Gk aerobic 2 the other day as a warm up to your practice or as a separate session. The Fitness test can be done every 2nd week to push the goalkeepers to stay in peak condition throughout the season.

The Goalkeeper strength program can be done twice a week either at practice or at a gym. The key to the program is:

  • Warm up with 5-10 minutes of light aerobic activity followed by 5-10 minutes of dynamic and static stretching to all major muscle groups.
  • Only perform plyometrics at the start of a training session, before endurance training or lots of ball work.
  • Athletes often want to do more. Don’t! Stick to your program to avoid injury and severe muscle soreness.
  • Each movement should be performed at high speed and with maximum intensity while maintaining control of body. For example, when jumping, as your feet touch the ground you should explode upwards rapidly. Don’t sink into a deep squat – try to minimize ground contact time.
  • Two minutes rest between sets is normal. Remember, the idea is not become fatigued. Keep good form.
  • Plyometrics should not contain more than 120 ground contacts for each muscle group in each session.
  • Two sessions per week with 48 hours rest between sessions is ample. One session a week is enough during the in-season.

The most important requirement before performing plyometrics for soccer is that…

The Athlete must have developed a solid, well-balanced strength base before they begin. Fail to do that and they can do more harm than good. Plyometrics transfers existing strength into power. The strength has to be there primarily.

GK Strength: Ages up to 14 years old

  • Bodyweight Squats 3 x 15

(5 reps with straight arms out in front at shoulder height, 5 reps with straight arms above the head, 5 reps with arms straight down by your sides with palms facing forward)

  • Hips bridges 3 x 12

(Lay on your back, feet flat and hip-width apart, arms relaxed, and knees bent. Squeeze your buttocks as you lift your hips, creating a straight line from the knees to the shoulders. Hold for a slow count of two, then lower and repeat)

  • Single Leg balance 2 x 30 seconds each leg

Start by standing on your left leg; lift your right leg straight toward the 12 o’clock position if you were standing on a clock. Gently swing the right leg forward and back, from 12 o’clock to 6 o’clock

  • Walking Lunges 2 x 10

Stand upright, feet together, holding two light (5-8 pound) dumbbells at your sides (palms facing in).Take a controlled step forward with your left leg. Lower hips toward the floor and bend both knees (almost at 90 degree angles). The back knee should come close but never touch the ground. Your front knee should be directly over the ankle and the back knee should be pointing down toward the floor. Push off with your right foot and bring it forward to starting position. This completes one rep. Next step forward and repeat with the right leg.

  • Jumps in place 2 x 10

(5 reps with straight out in front at shoulder height, 5 reps with straight arms above the head)

  • Get ups 2 x 15

(Lay flat on your stomach, on coaches’ call; get up to your feet as fast as possible)

(5 reps with straight arms out in front at shoulder height, 5 reps with straight arms above the head, 5 reps with arms straight down by your sides with palms facing forward)

  • Plank in push-up position

Hold for 15 seconds rest for 15 seconds x 4











GK Strength: 14 years old +

  • Plank in push-up position

Hold for 20-30 seconds rest for 15 seconds x 4

  •  Walking Lunges 2 x 25 yards (rest is walking back to start)

Stand upright, feet together, holding two light (5-8 pound) dumbbells at your sides (palms facing in).Take a controlled step forward with your left leg. Lower hips toward the floor and bend both knees (almost at 90 degree angles). The back knee should come close but never touch the ground. Your front knee should be directly over the ankle and the back knee should be pointing down toward the floor. Push off with your right foot and bring it forward to starting position. This completes one rep. Next step forward and repeat with the right leg.

  • Bodyweight Squat jumps 3 x 12

(6 reps with straight arms above the head, 6 reps with arms straight down by your sides with palms facing forward)

  • Hips bridges 3 x 12

(Lay on your back, feet flat and hip-width apart, arms relaxed, and knees bent. Squeeze your buttocks as you lift your hips, creating a straight line from the knees to the shoulders. Hold for a slow count of two, then lower and repeat)

  • Get ups 2 x 12

(Lay flat on your stomach, on coaches’ call; get up to your feet as fast as possible and jump for high ball)

  • Skipping for height 4 x 25 yards (rest is walking back to start)
  • Lateral hurdle/cone hops w/ a pause 2 x 10 (rest 90 secs)
  • Kneel to Push Ups 2 x 10
    1. Start Position: Your body will be in an upright position sitting on your knees.
    2. Hold medicine ball at chest level. Keeping your torso erect fall forward and chest press the medicine ball to a partner or a wall.
    3. Upon releasing the ball drop your hands to the floor and immediately complete a push-up.

Dynamic Warm-Up

Set up: 20 yards between start and end cone.

  1. Skipping swinging arms out x 2
  2. Skip circling arms forward x 2
  3. Skip circling arms backwards x 2
  4. Skip twisting at torso x 2
  5. High knee raises x 2
  6. Butt kickers x 2
  7. Groins, Up & out x 2 (going backwards)
  8. Groins, Up & in x 2 (going forwards)
  9. Side stepping facing one way x 2 (Do not click heels together)
  10. Side stepping other way x 2 (Do not click heels together)
  11. Kick out foot to opposite hand x 2
  12. Forward Lunges x 1
  13. Side lunges facing one way
  14. Side lunges facing other way